to polar Algorithm

The two polar algorithm, also known as the two-point correlation function, is a statistical method used to analyze and quantify the spatial distribution and structure of particles or objects within a given system. It is widely used in various fields such as condensed matter physics, astronomy, and material science, among others. The algorithm works by measuring the pairwise distances between all possible pairs of objects within the system and calculating the probability of finding a pair separated by a given distance. This probability represents the degree of clustering or randomness in the spatial distribution of objects, providing valuable insights into the underlying structure and organization of the system. The two polar algorithm can be applied to various types of data sets, including point patterns, continuous fields, and even more complex structures like galaxies or atoms in a crystal lattice. By examining the distribution of pairwise distances, researchers can identify patterns that reveal the presence of underlying order, such as periodicity or spatial correlations, which may not be apparent through direct observation. Additionally, the algorithm can be used to compare different systems or data sets, allowing for the identification of similarities and differences in their spatial structure. This information can then be used to inform the development of theoretical models, predict the behavior of complex systems, and guide the design of new materials and technologies.
function [r, theta] = topolar(x,y)
%% Converts cartesian coordinates to polar.
r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2);

if x >= 0
    theta = atan(y/x);
    theta = atan(y/x) + pi;

 theta = theta*(180/pi);